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RONK Switches

Ronk switches are built to last decades. Double-throws, disconnects and transfer switches for when you need fast, dependable, and safe transfer of loads between main power and an auxiliary source. Browse our switch offering by type, or view all our products to select your specs.

* CALL 262-654-3833 for contractor pricing and lead time.

Transfer Switches

RONK manual transfer switchesManualRONK Automatic Transfer SwitchesAutomatic

Single or Double Throw Switches

RONK Disconnect SwitchesSingle-ThrowRONK Double Throw SwitchesDouble-Throw


Manual Transfer Switches – UL 1008 transfer switches

Double-Throw Switches – Grade-level, Meter Sockets, Pole Tops for safe load transfer.

Single-Throw Switches – Non-fused, disconnect switches provide “quick-break/quick-make” protection.

Automatic Transfer Switches – Automatically transfers critical loads in the event of a power outage.




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