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WATTS Water Technologies is here!

Toboa Energy Resources L.L.C. is pleased to announce a new agreement to distribute the Watts Water Technologies product lines. We at Toboa Energy Resources are committed to providing quality products for our customers. We are confident that the product lines Watts has to offer will not only make a difference in your choices for home drinking water filtration systems but will also give our commercial customers, factories and manufactures a safer and healthier working environment.

Specializing in filtration

Watts water technologies offering product advances in conventional water purification such as the Quick Turn series under counter systems. The quick turn systems make installation of this product a perfect choice for the Do-IT- Yourself home owner or shop maintenance person. Quick Turn cartridges provide double o-ring technology for leak prevention that can be changed in minutes without any special tools. This is just one of the many great Watts items offered by Toboa Energy Resources.

Toboa EnergyResources L.L.C. has their customers in mind when choosing product lines that fit the living standards and life style we are a common to and deserve. We promote only the very best quality products at low prices. We offer safe and secure online shopping 24 hours a day to ensure that your shipment is processed immediately and shipped timely.

Please review our Watts product page for upcoming products.

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