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water purification E. Coli testing

water purification disinfection from farm drainage

What’s worse than living with foul tasting drinking water? If you’ve ever been to a place where one sip of water has your nose burning or you looking for somewhere to spit you understand what I mean. There is no substitution for clean cold drinking water without the flavor of iron, salt or sulfur or other sense affecting additives. The real interesting thing about water is that it can always be put back into its original form, pure and clean, by fairly simple methods. Most of the fresh water in the world is locked under ground sitting in basin pools many hundreds of feet below the topsoil fermenting with other minerals. Over time these minerals fall into solution form and become part of the make up of the water. Some minerals interact with human senses to produce pungent odors, foul tastes or murky turbidity that looks unpleasant.

There are several ways that water can be tested and cleaned. We’ve all heard of the infamous carbon filters, but what about water that is bacteria laden or has suspended particulates? Toboa Energy offers a wide range of water purification, filtration, disinfection and softening products for residential and commercial use. Toboa Energy is the US Authorized distributor for Wyckomar filtration products. We offer carbon filtration for adsorption of chemicals that may be present along with UV or Ultra-Violet disinfection for bacteria laden water, softeners for hard water systems and osmosis systems for even the most demanding commercial applications.

Wyckomar works hard to develop new product innovations for the water purification market, and they have successfully introduced several new designs recently including solar powered and effluent waste water systems. Wyckomar is always seeking to improve its existing products to meet ever changing market demands, and they stand behind their products with the best warranty in the business.

State of the art Wyckomar UV water purification, filtration and disinfection systems and components. Wyckomar leading the field in UV water purification offers several systems for home, businesses, commercial, government and military use.

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