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Watson McDaniel Steam Traps

Watson McDaniel offers a variety of steam traps, which are special purpose valves that open when condensate is present and closes when steam tries to pass thru it. The ultimate purpose of the steam trap is to allow the Condensate (water formed when steam condenses) and air to be discharged from the steam system while preventing the loss of live steam.


Steam Traps

Watson McDaniel Thermodynamic Steam TrapThermodynamicWatson McDaniel Thermostatic Steam TrapsThermostaticWatson McDaniel Float And Thermostatic Steam TrapsFloat & ThermostaticWatson McDaniel Inverted Bucket Steam TrapsInverted BucketWatson McDaniel Universal Style Steam TrapsUniversal StyleWatson McDaniel Clean Steam TrapsClean SteamWatson McDaniel BiMetallic Steam TrapsBi-Metallic +Watson McDaniel Manifold Steam TrapManifold +Watson McDaniel Radiator Steam TrapsRadiator +Watson McDaniel Steam Trap AccessoriesAccessories +

Types of Steam Traps

Thermodynamic Steam Traps – purpose of the steam trap is to allow the Condensate (water formed when steam condenses) and air to be discharged from the steam system while preventing the loss of live steam.

Thermostatic Steam Traps – are extremely energy efficient and excellent at discharging air allowing steam to enter the system quickly during system startup.

Float and Thermostatic Steam Traps – a float-operated valve to continually discharge condensate and a thermostatic air vent which discharges air.

Inverted Bucket Steam Traps – use an inverted bucket as a float device to control the opening and closing of the plug and seat to discharge condensate.

Universal Style Steam Traps – modules must be mounted to a universal connector. They are typically used for drip applications such as draining condensate from steam mains or steam supply lines as well as for steam tracing applications.

Clean Steam Traps & Sanitary Steam Traps – are designed to offer free flow-through internal passages by incorporating very smooth internal finishes (20-25 Ra). For periodic passivation and sanitation of the system, these traps offer a tri-clamp connection on the body to allow for removal of the thermal element.

Bi-Metallic Steam Traps –  are used in steam tracing, steam main drips and non-critical process equipment. They can be used with superheated steam or on outdoor applications that are subject to freezing. The WPN Series Traps are available in multiple sizes and pressures up to 2,260 PSI.

Manifold Steam Traps – consist of two series; the SDM Series manifolds, used for steam distribution TO the tracing system and CCM Series for condensate collection FROM the tracing system.

Radiator Steam Traps –  are referred to as radiator traps because the quick-disconnect pipe design is found on most radiators on 2-pipe steam heating systems.

Steam Trap Accessories – includes a variety of parts that you may need for your Steam Trap

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