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Bag Filtration

High quality filtration offering 304 stainless steel bag filter housings and polypropylene filter bags. Toboa Energy Resources LLC provides Flow-max bag filtration technology for process system customers. These easy to buy and use systems offer an inexpensive way to filter water or compatible chemistry. Bag Filter systems are for sediment handling offer a large flow and dirt holding capacity  with simple maintenance. The large holding capability is proven for water applications with mud, stones or any other debris that gets put through the system.

We offer high quality Polypropylene Filter Bags for sizes #1 and #2 in various materials and micron sizes. These easy to store and inexpensive to operate compared to pleated canister filters for mainly sediment handling. Bag filters are an inexpensive way to add particulate filtration to systems with high sediment content. Can be applied in series or parallel to enhance system performance. Polypropylene Filter Bags are used in systems with sediments, hydrocarbon based chemicals, sands and a wide array of micron sizes allow for step down filtration.

Bag filters are available by the case buy online below. Toboa Energy Resources LLC is an authorized Watts Water Technologies dealer.

Bag Filter Housings

cartridges bags housingsFilter Housings

Filter Bags

Filter BagsPolypropylene

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