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Financing Equipment

(Minimum Business Financing $2000+)

Toboa Energy Resources L.L.C. has teamed up with CIT Group Inc. to offer customers a way to finance items that are more costly helping cash flow for other business needs. Set up a monthly payment following the steps below and just relax. Toboa Energy Resources LLC does not review or have access to financial information. Process is strictly through a third party processor.

Why Business? “Cash Flow”

STEP 1. How to place an order and get financing

  • Call to place your order 1-262-654-3833.
  • Businesses E-mail >><< a purchase order to Toboa Energy Resources LLC.
  • A copy of your invoice will be “e-mailed” to you for the financing purposes once processed.


STEP 2. Submit Finance Documents

  • Have a copy of your order invoice ready along with company information that you will need for a loan application.
  • Click on the following link to ” Finance My Order Now “ will open in a new window.
  • Notification. Toboa Energy Resources L.L.C. will be notified of the financing result as it becomes available usually within 24 hours.
  • Once positive disposition is given Toboa Energy Resources LLC can finish process your order.
  • Make sure to confirm the lead time, specifications, and functionality prior to ordering.
  • Orders cannot be released while financing disposition is pending.

That’s it …You’re done.

Thank you for your business!
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