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Gillette Generators

Toboa Energy Resources LLC offers the full line of Gillette generators. Not all Gillette generators are currently shown online. Toboa Energy has the experts to help solve your generator needs. Whether generators, automatic transfer switches commercial or residential we are ready to help. Just fill out the email inquiry at the left and one of our experienced technical support people will contact you.


Portable Generators

gillette-portable-generatorsGPE Series 1PHGPE-55EH-3-ICONGPE Series 3PHgillette-evtd-series-portable-generatorsEVTD SeriesGillette GPED SeriesGPED DieselGillette-GeneratorsParts & Accessories

Commercial Gas LPG & NG Generators

Commercial Gas Standby Generators1PH 120/240Commercial Gas Standby Generators3PH 120/208Commercial Gas Standby Generators3PH 120/240Commercial Gas Standby Generators3PH 277/480Commercial Gas Standby Generators3PH 346/600

Industrial Diesel Generator Sets


Prime Power Generators


System Accessories

ASCO automatic transfer switchesTransfer Switches

Gillette Generators Past and Future

Since the 1960’s Gillette Generators has created a legacy of manufacturing quality standby and portable generators. 50 years later Gillette Generators has grown into a diversified company providing standby generators to commercial, military, institutional, agricultural, industrial, and residential markets. Built in Elkhart Indiana, Gillette offers American made generators and tertiary products including natural gas, LPG, and diesel fueled standby generators available from 12 kilowatt to 400 kilowatt featuring world class components such as: GM Vortec and John Deere engines, and Marathon generator ends as well as optional equipment from silencers for hospital use to transfer switches.


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