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Centrifugal Pumps DC Pressure Boosting

Sun Pumps Centrifugal Pumps DC Pressure Boosting Surface Pumps and Controllers

sunpumps booster battery systemsSCB Battery DirectSCB Solar Panel Direct Booster PumpsSCB Panel DirectSunpumps surface pump controllersControllers


Offering Centrifugal Pumps DC Pressure Boosting pumps Sun Pumps SCB series pressure pumps are multi-stage centrifugal’s designed primarily for Sun Pumps centrifugal pumps DC pressure boosting pressure from surface water as long as the water supply is at or above the level of the pump.

Sun Pumps PCA series BLS pump controllers are high quality, micro-processor controlled sensor-less brush-less DC motor driver and power converter for a solar powered sensor-less brush-less DC motor.

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