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Sterling Process Control Valves

Temperature Controlled Cooling Valves

sterlco 56T temperature control valvesSterlco 56T56 series bulb wells56T Bulb Wells56T series sterlco replacement parts56T Parts

Temperature Controlled Heating & Cooling Valves

150 series heating control valvesSterlco D-150-GR-150-G series control valves for coolingSterlco R-150-F56 series bulb wells150 Bulb Wells

Pressure Controlled Valves

56 series pressure regulated valvesSterlco 56

Sterling Process Control Valves

For precision control of water cooling and heating systems, Toboa Energy Resources offers a wide variety of automatic mechanical actuated process control valves, water temperature control valves, electric actuated valves, hand operated valves, oil heating systems, radiators, solenoid operated systems, and much more. Materials in brass and stainless steel. Great for use with temperature sensitive equipment where flow must be maintained to keep the system at a constant temperature. Used in temperature controllers, shell & tube heat exchangers, plate style heat exchangers, temperature baths, heating equipment, radiators, steam control systems, and more.

Combining Performance and Durability

Whether you’re looking for pressure-controlled valves or electric actuated valves, Toboa Energy Resources LLC. has what you need. Manufactured by leading brands, our process control valves cater to a variety of applications. Developed with performance and durability in mind, these process control valves have the ability to withstand corrosion and humidity. In addition, they are economical, easily installable, and low maintenance. Browse through our selection to explore water temperature control valves and more. All orders come with swift and smooth delivery. Need something delivered fast? Call us for expedite service. Normally we ship most 56T valves in a day or two depending on the temperature range, 60-140F or 100-175F being stock, for emergency service call before ordering.

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