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Watson McDaniel Electric Condensate and Boilers Feed Pumps

Condensate Return Pumps are designed to operate intermittently, discharging condensate only when the receiver tank is full. This is accomplished with a float switch that energizes the pump when the float rises above a set point. Once started, the pump will continue to operate until the water level drops below the bottom set position of the float switch. On Duplex condensate return pumps, a Mechanical Alternator float switch is mounted to the receiver so that both pumps are used in an alternating manner.

Electric Condensate Pumps W4100 Series

Watson McDaniel Condensate Electric Pump ICONSimplexWatson McDaniel Boiler Feed Electric Pump ICONDuplex +

Electric Boiler Feed Pumps W4100 SERIES

Watson McDaniel Condensate Electric Pump ICONSimplexWatson McDaniel Boiler Feed Electric Pump ICONDuplex

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