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What is a Generator Tap Box? Whether you are a manufacturing company, a bank or an educational institution, sudden power outages can prove to be disastrous and may cause huge loss of time and resources. Therefore, preparing for emergency is of crucial importance.

To cater to electrical interruption or suspension, a permanent generator could have been installed; however, if you do not want to bear the large maintenance expenses, a generator tap box is an incredible option. From natural disasters, such as thunderstorm, to a complete blackout, it allows you to get instant electricity back up.



What Is It and What Does It Do?

In simple terms, a generator tap box is a device that is installed outside of your building. Its role is to connect your business’s portable generator to your electrical system so that you get temporary electrical supply in times of emergency. It is connected to a manual or automatic transfer switch. With programmable logic circuits and auto start generators, the power is generated very quickly so that your business gets running without any delays.

Not only does it make your power system more emergency-ready, it also saves you huge costs of hiring professional electrical contractors to connect temporary power during emergency. It surely pays to be prepared beforehand.

The engineers at Toboa Energy Resources L.L.C. offer incredible customizability options. They include:

  • Short-circuit protection
  • Phase rotation protection
  • Crimp lugs
  • Cam-Lok snap covers and so on.

Aspects You Need to Consider When Choosing a Generator Tap Box

Each business has different electricity needs and requirements. Here are some general aspects to consider before you decide to buy a generator tap box:

How Often You Have Power Loss

The more chances of having an electricity outage, the more will be your need to get a generator tap box. Also, when repairs take a long time, you need to make sure that you have a thorough system of back-up electric supply in place.

What Electrical Load You Require

Before deciding to go for generator tap box, you need to consider the electrical load that would be required. If the required electrical load is high, you may want to go for a high-powered option.

What Systems Are More Important

You also need to set a priority. Make sure you know which systems are critical and will need to be run no matter what the emergency may be.

What Your Budget Is

Obviously, you need to analyze the costs involved before finally deciding. You always want to make sure to stay within budget.

Our amazing Powertron Generator Tap Box helps businesses get better prepared for emergencies. Not only do we make safe and secure connections, we also minimize disruptions by choosing the best location for the temporary generator. Generator tap boxes also are available in 240 and 480 vAC for all generator types, including, steel, stainless steel and aluminum.

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